Proud to announce that I will be a speaker at re;publica19 – Outlook: (Legal) Implications for a well-regulated German Cannabis Market
Proud to announce that I will be a speaker at re;publica19 – Outlook: (Legal) Implications for a well-regulated German Cannabis Market
German Version The points in drugs and addiction policy in Germany require resetting: The illegal drug market is growing as is the number of victims
English Version Die Weichen in der Drogen und Suchtpolitik in Deutschland müssen neu gestellt werden: Der illegale Drogenmarkt wächst, die Zahl der Opfer aufgrund missbräuchlichen Speaking at ICBC Berlin 2019 on the CBD panel
THE EUROPEAN CANNABIS REPORT™ 4TH EDITION with a Local Expert Analysis by KFN+ for Germany Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von
German version The CBD boom is also unstoppable in Germany. After the oils from Limucan, DM offers a further alternative with the gel capsules from
English version Der CBD Boom ist auch in Deutschland nicht zu stoppen. Nach den Ölen von Limucan bietet DM mit den Gelkapseln von Satisan eine
KFN+ quoted by Mark Taylor:
Auf Einladung der amerikanischen Vereinigung der Cannabis Anwälte (NCBA) hatte ich im September die Gelegenheit, im Cannabis Law Institute der George-Washington University über die deutsche
The international conference of the news portal MJBiz Daily in Toronto in mid-August showed exciting developments which will mint the coming years of the cannabis market. After successful efforts as to capital acquisition, all major Canadian companies agreed, that efforts to educate and train patients and doctors as well as further study of the cannabis potential must not cease.