Leafly.de about the Justice Campaing of the German Hemp Association (DHV)
with a comment of KFN+:
„It would be good if, after 25 years, the Federal Constitutional Court could once again deal with the prohibition of cannabis. In its 1994 decision, the Federal Constitutional Court gave the prosecuting authorities and politicians clear guidelines with regard to proportionality, which were never uniformly implemented. The courts have not discontinued every procedure for personal use, and the small quantity is still not uniformly regulated nationwide.
The black market has also grown considerably over the past 25 years, and the call for change from the judiciary and the municipalities has become unmistakable. In addition a state makes itself attackable, if legally a prohibition exists, which cannot be interspersed at all, and which confronts above all our police with unnecessary problems. If the purpose of the law cannot be achieved at all, existing regulations must be changed.
However, the Federal Constitutional Court is traditionally cautious if it should or would have to take action to shape the law itself. In 1994 it still said that cannabis has a certain dangerousness, which can be regulated by the legislator within the framework of its assessment prerogatives. In other words, the Federal Government and the Bundestag already know what they are doing.
If one of the cases in the justice campaign, which impressively summarizes the new scientific and legal findings, actually reaches the Federal Constitutional Court, the prospects for success are not foreseeable at all. He would be desirable.“
more information on the campaign: